The Children’s Cottage Cooperative is a non-profit cooperative preschool located in Larkspur, California. It provides parents with a unique experience to engage directly in their child’s development by participating in the operations of the preschool.
The Solution
A redesign of the Cottage's preschool website that effectively communicates what the the Cottage is, and in a way that is both visually appealing and inviting. An experience with a clearly defined information architecture that engages and inspires parents seeking to learn more about the preschool and to enroll their kids.
From our research data, we created a primary, secondary, and special persona — choosing to focus on the prospective parent as the main user to design for.
Ethnographic Research
After speaking with parents of children currently enrolled at the Cottage, we identified a need to tell the Cottage's story better, in addition to visualizing a more functional site to meet the needs of prospective parents.
In order to create an experience that genuinely reflected the Cottage, we decided that a field trip would be the best way to understand how, as none of us are parents.
A couple UX teammates and I doing research. We could easily work this glittery play dough into our minimum viable product!
The outcomes from our trip made a significant impact on the project, as we were able to speak with our stakeholders and identify with them. We also had the opportunity to engage with the children and parents, and to capture the special feeling of being in the Cottage itself.
Content Strategy
During this trip I was able to produce visuals for the new site, tying my past experience as a photojournalist into the UX design process.
CLICK or TAP on the image below to view additional photographs.
We combined these photographs with revised copy for the website, in addition to a design style guide, and content strategy guide, which set the tone and personality for the new site.
Mobile wireframes and prototypes were created during the process, but seeing that this implementation would mainly be used on desktop, the mobile experience became a stretch goal.
What started as a website redesign evolved into an endeavor much greater. We were able to deliver a website that not only met the needs prospective parents and of the Cottage, but also a website that exceeded expectations.
The project became a journey that impacted all of us. It was truly a great experience being able to work with and for the parents of the Cottage, and I look forward to seeing how the fruits of our work are implemented.